Tihei mauri ora!
E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e rau rangatira mā
Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa!
Haere mai! Welcome!
The New Zealand Choral Federation invites you to the
World Symposium on Choral Music 2020
July 11-18 2020
Once every three years the world’s premier festival of choirs is held in a major city around the world. The World Symposium on Choral Music is the peak global event of the International Federation for Choral Music – its own “Olympics” and world congress rolled into one. Drawing together the leading choirs, conductors, composers and administrators from all over the planet for a superlative experience of concerts, seminars and workshops, the Symposium has also come to be a public showcase for the best the choral world has to offer.
And for just the third time ever, the WSCM will be held in the Southern Hemisphere, in one of the most-loved tourism destinations in the world – New Zealand.
Recharge yourself, meet your fellow choral practitioners, hear and learn and experience new viewpoints and approaches and the work of some of the best choirs in the world...
At WSCM2020 you can hear around 24 of the world’s finest choirs and over 30 distinguished choral practitioners in an eight-day ‘feast’ of concerts, seminars, masterclasses, workshops, demonstrations and exhibitions. Surrounded by all that musical splendour and choral wisdom, you realise you don’t work in isolation but are part of an exciting global movement. You learn what’s ‘trending’ and return home full of inspiration and new ideas.
And if that’s not enough reason to come to WSCM2020, there’s the stunning host country to consider! New Zealand has a world-wide reputation for its clean, green and beautiful landscapes of mountains, countryside, lakes and beaches and its safe and friendly cities, delicious food, wine, coffee and craft beer! So there’s no better time to come!
Register your interest now and start planning the trip of a lifetime!
Key Dates
May 2018: Call for guest choirs and presenters
October 31 2018: Closing date for choir and presenter applications
December 2018: Choirs and presenters notified
February 2019: Registrations open
11-18 July 2020: The 12th World Symposium on Choral Music